It has been a long time since I updated this blog and for my readers, feed subscribers and email newsletter subscribers I am deeply sorry about this. I’ve entitled this post “make sure your niche makes money online” as a reminder to myself as to where to concentrate my energies. It was my goal upon the original creation of this website to keep it up to date and make it an extremely valuable resource for internet marketers. I thought that the make money niche was the key to solving the problem… how to make money online!
Since then, other opportunities have sprung up as a result of this website and unfortunately those opportunities have taken me away from my responsibilities in maintaining this site. Even though the daily visitors has not dropped much in recent months, I have a responsibility to both my advertisers and visitors to make sure this site continues to provide value to the internet marketing community.
I’ve been doing some serious research in regard to keywords and which ones are the most profitable as of late. As my primary sources of income online include, PPC, Affiliate Marketing, Private Advertising and a couple other methods I’ll explain in future articles.
I get contacted on a daily basis with requests for link exchanges, reviews of products and all other sorts of inquiries. Most people think that this website makes a bundle do to the fact that it has such rankings in regard to the key search terms i.e. make money online, residual income, how to make money etc… In reality this website is probably the weakest or lowest earning piece of my blog network, the hours I have invested into content generation and distribution far outweigh and even exchange for my investment in time.
This website however has helped me realize certain key factors in creating a sucessful blog. The first and foremost is the niche. Make money online is simply not one of the most profitable niches out there. To be a profitable niche it must provide one of two things :
1.) Alleviate a pain
2.) Assist in personal development
Even though many of the articles on this site might touch on step one or step two, the simple fact is that this niche is saturated beyond belief. The smart internet marketers have stayed far away from this niche and while the people who weren’t bright enough to catch on jumped into the MMO boat, the people that knew better were off creating huge networks of niche websites in small and undiscovered territories.
A few profitable niches include :
Credit Cards
Acne Products
Diet and Health Advice
Medical Information
Legal Services
Hobbies i.e. Fishing, Golf etc…
Those are just a few to get you going. If you do some keyword research with the Google keyword tool you will quickly find that there are many keywords in the previous niches that pay upwards of $1.00 per click. If you do the math, its not too hard to come to the conclusion that those advertisers mean business and you probably could snag a few privately if your site is even the least bit impressive.
The bottom line is that if you want to create a blog or website that really pays the bills, do the research beforehand and make sure your niche makes money online in the first place.
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